Welcome to The BGMO
The Unifor Skilled Trade Council’s purpose is to create a promising future for our more than 50, 000 Skilled Trades members throughout our great country.
Our members across the trades in multiple sectors are united in our shared onjectives and challenges. Together we are a strong voice in our union, in our workplaces and setting government policy.
Dave Cassidy – National Skilled Trades Council Chair

Who We Are
Delegates and members of the BGMO and Unifor National Skilled Trade Council are made up strictly of rank-and-file Skilled Trades workers. Our work includes but is not limited to developing policies and bargaining language that support and advance the rights and interests of Skilled Tradespersons while centred on the protection of wage and qualification standards. The NSTC and it’s area sub-councils are the voice for Skilled Trades members in Unifor.